If you want to grow on Medium, don’t comment on other people’s posts

Stop wasting your time commenting on other people’s articles to grow on Medium. There are far far better + faster ways to get the results you want.

Like I have almost 70K in my other account (@tariibaba) and I just roll my eyes when I see people try to do this on my articles.

I get it, you’re trying to make your account more visible. But it doesn’t even work.

If you want to comment, do so because you really have something of value to say and add to the conversation.

Don’t do it to grow, otherwise you’re only wasting your energy for very little reward at the end.

You’re much better off doing these instead to rapidly grow your account.

Stop writing headlines like everybody else

Cliché headlines fail.

Boring headlines fail.

You’re competing with all the other articles on their feed — and everything else they could be doing with their time.

Your headline needs to grab attention and pique interest.

And no it doesn’t need to “solve a problem” like some people say.

It just needs to be interesting and create curiosity.

Look at this:

4 words and an emoji was all it took.

This ended up doing far better than the previous title, “Shadow PC saves you thousands of dollars on a new PC”.

The original headline solved a problem but that didn’t matter — it wasn’t as interesting.

It didn’t make them curious.

“Shadow PC saves you thousands of dollars on a new PC”.

I already gave away everything the article was about and they didn’t even care about it.

Also with this headline I shifted the focus of the article from tech to saving money — which my audience was probably not naturally curious about.

But imagine I made this small change:

How Shadow PC saves you thousands of dollars on a new PC”

Now I shifted the focus back to the tech tool — attracting people who are naturally curious about such things.

So you see why this worked:

“Shadow PC is amazing 😲”

“Shadow PC” itself invites curiosity because it’s not the most popular tool out there.

“amazing” — classic power word — increasing curiosity.

😲 — power emoji — just like those Mr. Beast-ish thumbnails with a wide open mouth.

Change how you think about writing

Here’s a crucial truth…

If you want to succeed on Medium, your primary goal should not be to spread knowledge or give facts.

These are great but should be secondary.

Your primary goal is to satisfy your reader’s curiosity and keep their attention for as long as possible. To deliver a unique and engaging experience.

The ideal article is personalized infotainment.

Personalized. Personalized.

Just like what I’m doing now… (and what I’m doing now (meta))

Don’t just give cold, soulless information. Infuse in your unique voice. Share your strong opinions.

Feel free. Write how you talk or however you like — break grammar and spelling rules.


Some many things you can do to boost reader engagement.

Active over passive voice is a big one — and it humanizes your sentences too.

❌ “Sora had been released only about a week before Veo 2 came out”.

✅ “They released Sora only about a week before Veo 2 came out”.

Stop using big words and talk like a real person.

Short paragraphs.

Varying long and short sentences.

And so much more.

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